Flood Precast flooring slab has an exposed concrete soffit finish to which paint can be applied directly, or which can be left in its natural state so that the full thermal mass effects of the concrete flooring can be exploited. Flood Super Wideslab® planks are more suitable for exposure because the finish can be of higher quality than concrete cast in situ.
Other Advantages of using Wideslab Include:
Fewer soffit joints –At 2.4 metres in width, this is the widest composite prestressed flooring slab available anywhere. These wider units result in a 50% reduction in soffit joints when compared to hollowcore.
Thermal mass and natural ventilation – Exposed prestressed solid Super Wideslab® is an excellent heat sink which is critical for natural ventilation. Our wet-cast manufacturing process gives rise to a far superior quality soffit finish which can be a vital requirement in some projects. The absence of voids in the floor meant that the prestressed precast Super Wideslab® floor is denser and therefore effective in terms of Thermal Mass, sound reduction and vibration.
Solid slab with no cores – unlike Hollowcore, Flood Super Wideslab® is solid with no cores so there is no fear of dripping from cores.
Project: Bordon Secondary School (Mill Chase Academy), Hampshire
Contractor: Kier Construction
Engineer: HCC
Architect: HCC
Products: 8000m2 of Flood Super Wideslab®
For more information on our range of concrete products contact our team at info@floodprecast.co.uk
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